博客 2024-10-29

?       show the help

gg/Home(chrome) top of page

G/End   bottom

u/d    half page

space/shift+space   page

r Reload 

yy Copy the current URL 


p/P (openCopiedUrlInCurrentTab)(openCopiedUrlInNewTab)

gu/gU           (goUpURL)(goToRootURL)

t Create new tab

f/F             open a link

<a-f> Open multiple links in a new tab

gs              view source

i               enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you hit Esc to exit

gi/Tab/shift+tab(chrome) Focus the first text input on the page

m1/`1/``        mark //jump back to the position before the previous jump

o/O Open URL, bookmark or history entry

ge/gE           Edit the current URL

/ Enter find mode

n/N Cycle forward to the next find match

H/L  (Alt + 左箭头 / Alt + 右箭头) Go back/forwardin history

shift+J/K       Tab left/right

^ Go to previously-visited tab

g0/g$ Go to the first/last tab

x/X Close/Restore current tab

]], [[           Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>' ('previous' or '<')


光标移至前一个单词开头/结尾  Ctrl+ 左/右箭头 

Ctrl + L/A  输入框内容全选中

删除输入框中的前一个单词 Ctrl + Backspace

在当前标签页打开首页 Alt + Home

跳转至最右侧标签页 Ctrl + 9

在新窗口中打开网站并添加 www. 和 .com 输入网站名称后按 Ctrl + Shift + Enter

页面内任意位置开始搜索 Ctrl + K 或 Ctrl + e